Myth debunkment

29 12 2012

“Stallions will kill any foal not theirs.”


Not true.

Special circumstances? Sure. But in general, this is a myth. I can’t tell you how many people have told me this as absolute, general fact … and then I point (still) to moments like this: Comanche with Temple, who not only is not his daughter, she is not in his band. She’s the daughter of Hollywood and Piedra and still is perfectly fine and dependent upon mama – in her daddy’s band.

Temple and Comanche

I’ve seen more ears back and teeth bared from mamas telling wandering babies to go home than I’ve seen any kind of violence toward foals from stallions. I know I tend to repeat this, but it’s one of my pet peeves, and I love when the horses give me an opportunity to show that the opposite is true.

The world according to Kestrel

28 12 2012

Pretty buckskin girl Kestrel stood napping in one place during most of my last visit. Watching, too. The world revolved around her.

Kestrel and Hollywood

Hollywood’s band still is very close to Comanche’s band. In fact, the casual observer would never realize these are two distinct families. This dynamic may or may not be unique among wild horses, but it’s fairly unique within our herd (“the pintos” come to mind, only recently separated into Ty’s band and Corazon’s band).

Kestrel and Temple (Hollywood x Piedra)

Baby Temple, daughter of Hollywood and Piedra, grazes her way behind Kestrel.

Kestrel, Filly Peak in the background.

Kes in her wide, snowy world!

Comanche and Kestrel

Kestrel’s handsome stallion, Comanche.

Kestrel and Juniper

Mama Kestrel and her yearling daughter (and Comanche’s), Juniper.


Isn’t she gorgeous? Like her mama, Luna, like her firstborn daughter, Winona. (As Winona grows up, it’s incredible how much she resembles Kestrel; her likely sire is Mouse, who was removed last year.)

Snow ponies

26 12 2012

When first spotted last week, only Raven, Skywalker and Sundance were visible. Kootenai, in her photo in a previous post, is so alert because I had just come over a rise and found her and Mysterium. They were out of sight until I was right above them.

Raven and Skywalker in the snow.

Mama and mini-me – Raven and Skywalker.


Handsome Sundance. He really does have eyes under that gorgeous forelock!

Mysterium still is nursing from mama Kootenai!

Yes, Mysterium still is nursing.

Raven, Skywalker and Sundance watched Hollywood’s and Comanche’s bands below them on the hill for a while, then followed me to where Koootenai and Mysterium were grazing by themselves. Kootenai is fairly independent and often can be found grazing somewhat separate from the others. They’re never too far away, and young Sundance is a calm and confident stallion to let them wander.

Merry Christmas!

25 12 2012

To all lovers of all creatures wild and free, I wish you every beauty and joy of the season. Be happy. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and to our wild ones. Treat each other kindly and with compassion.

Juniper and mama Kestrel

Above all, love.

Merry Christmas Eve!

24 12 2012

Two in the far white basin:

Mona and daughter Shane

Mona, left, and her daughter Shane (by Kreacher) are in Hollywood’s band.

Our snow has started to melt with warm temps (45!), but another storm is on the way. Here’s hoping it snags over Disappointment Valley.

Warm white winter

23 12 2012

Don’t you love a rich, warm, golden dun mustang girl surrounded by stunning silver snow?

Kootenai in the snow.

Gorgeous Kootenai.

Love the warmth of her coat against the white snow and cool blue shadows. And she must be fuzzy and comfy in that warm coat at 8 below!

Shadow on the snow

22 12 2012

Not that “Shadow,” but dark and sleek and nearly jet black:

Bounce, following Hollywood's and Comanche's bands.


He has been following Hollywood’s and Comanche’s bands for a little while now. His daughter Aurora, his spitting image, down to her right hind fetlock, is part of Hollywood’s band. While I visited the horses, I sat in the snow, and Bounce took up guardian position behind me. Aurora wandered close – but not too close – to her daddy.

The elder mister looks pretty good. I bet he could tell some stories of winters weathered in Spring Creek Basin.

So much for the end of the world, eh? What a glorious day was the winter solstice!


21 12 2012

Some friends – two couples – recently celebrated anniversaries. Same day. Twenty-six years and 18 years.

Kootenai and Sundance

Couldn’t help but think of them when I caught this quick moment between Kootenai and Sundance.

Happy (belated) anniversary, friends!

-8 and be there

20 12 2012

Not quite as iconic as Galen Rowell’s oft-quoted “f8 and be there” – nor, I suspect, will it become as universal. But at minus 8 degrees this morning, I was there, in the basin, in paradise turned white.

Seven; hill to the back right is the eastern side of Flat Top.

Seven in winter’s wonderland.

Kootenai and Mysterium

Kootenai and Mysterium

Hayden and Tenaz

Hayden and Tenaz

Hollywood's band

Hollywood’s band walking away from the noise of a truck. What kind of crazy person would be out here on a minus-8-degree morning?

Oh, right. 🙂


Aurora with her band. For extra credit, name the horse in the background attached to those gorgeous stripes! (Aurora’s daddy, Bounce, whom she resembles so strikingly, is following the bands.)

The temperature didn’t get above about 22 degrees today. Snow-lasting temps. I love it.

Daddy’s little girl

20 12 2012

From last week:

Daddy Ty with daughter Seneca

Daddies love their babies, too. Ty and Seneca (mama Chipeta is leading just to the left).