
30 06 2015


Wee mustang lad is not much taller than the greasewood.

Who doesn’t love pink?

29 06 2015
Grey in the pink glow of summer solstice sunset.

Summer solstice sunset

Our beloved and iconic wild stallion of Spring Creek Basin. His official name is Traveler; I called him Sir Grey long before I knew that name. He is loved by many, and rightly so.

Mares’ tails

28 06 2015

Houdini's tail

Feathery fineness. Swishing against breeze and bugs, a constant whispered conversation of contentment.

After some beautiful weather … blazing blue skies, day after day. We’d love some cloud cover, even wispy mares’ tails.

Neither mud nor tangles …

26 06 2015

… can take away her beauty.



Could she be any more stunning, washed and shined and brushed and combed? Doubtful.

NMA/CO fundraiser

23 06 2015

Attention locals: The Colorado chapter of the National Mustang Association plans to host a fundraiser from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 10, with the film “Roaming Wild” at the center of the event. Funds raised from ticket sales and the silent auction will benefit Spring Creek Basin mustangs and other wild horses in Southwest Colorado (potentially those in Mesa Verde National Park).

Find more information and buy tickets on NMA/CO’s website.

According to promotional material provided by the film, “Roaming  Wild offers an insider’s look at an  invisible battle unfolding in the American West over wild horses  on public lands. Wild  horses find themselves at the center of an age-defining  controversy  where the demands of modern  development are colliding with the needs of the wild. A fiery activist rescues horses from slaughter, a cattle rancher struggles to keep his way of life viable in the modern era, and an unlikely hero invents new possibilities. Each searching for a solution to the pressure on their own disappearing ways of life in the West, they can agree on one thing – the current ‘bandaid’ solution is failing them all.”

Among other things, this film addresses the benefits of fertility-control vaccine PZP, which has been used in Spring Creek Basin for four years. By slowing the population growth of the herd, at least one roundup has been prevented, a trend we hope to continue.

Sunflower Theatre in Cortez will provide the venue. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. for the silent auction, with appetizers and a cash bar available. The film will start at 6:30 p.m. Afterward, NMA/CO board members will be available for a question-and-answer session about issues challenging wild horses and burros, their advocates and managers.

We hope to see “old” friends and meet new ones interested in our mustangs!

Summer solstice

22 06 2015

Piedra, summer solstice sunset

Piedra, oh so pretty in the pink glow of almost-sunset on the longest day of the year.

Sometimes, it’s hard to be grateful *enough* for the incredible beauty of this world. To share that gratitude with those for whom you are supremely grateful is one of the simplest and most wonderful joys of this life.

Happy Father’s Day!

21 06 2015


On this first day of summer, much love to all the dads out there! For your guidance and support, thank you.

My dad and mom recently visited, along with an uncle and cousin, and as always, we had a wonderful time. I am blessed with an awesome family!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in my family. You set a superb example for all of us!

Happy Father’s Day to dads everywhere, two-legged and four-!


20 06 2015

Storm's band in Spring Creek Basin

One for the horses …

Spring Creek Basin, Disappointment Valley, Colorado

… and one for the background. Do you see the green?

To paraphrase a catchy current catchphrase: We’re lovin’ it!


Well, hello there!

18 06 2015


Please forgive the radio silence of the last several (many?) days (weeks?)! The last couple of weeks have been full of horses and family, and I’ve taken a bit of an Internet break.

In the “very good news” category, Disappointment Valley and Spring Creek Basin got some much-needed rain in early June to cap our pretty nice May moisture, and we returned to find Spring Creek flowing! – in the spring!! – unbelievable!!! (Spring Creek and its tributary arroyos drain Spring Creek Basin before they converge in one arroyo that bears the name. Spring Creek flows only when a major rain event occurs, and we almost never get enough rain in the spring for it to actually flow.)

As we hoped, and as you might imagine, yes, it filled some ponds. What a relief! A couple still have some filling to do, but we’re in good shape for the summer. And the grass … well, it’s pretty green out there, especially for Disappointment in the early summer.

The horses are just as slick and shiny and healthy as mustangs can be, and posts should resume shortly to prove it!

Peachy keen

14 06 2015


Surrounded by family and friends. A perfect summer evening. 🙂