Brumley’s shadow

30 09 2012

Brumley Point is one of our easily indentifiable landmarks, and it sits on our southeastern boundary, which means it also is located in McKenna Peak Wilderness Study Area, and it’s fairly close to both McKenna Peak and the unnamed promontory.

Chipeta and Seneca, and daddy Ty napping in the background. Copper was napping farther back and to the left. And Brumley rising above them.


30 09 2012

Copper, muddy.

He goes back and forth between the pintos and the pintos. Hmm. Only Chipeta is pinto in her mini-band. She’s keeping her little girl safely separate. They were fairly close to Corazon and co. the other day when we saw them from the road. But when Ty came into view, Copper decided to have a visit.

Mama Chipeta, baby Seneca and “uncle” Copper.

Ty was closer and to the right.

Copper moved to this spot, and then they all took naps. Little Seneca laid down, flat out and nearly hidden by the grasses, sage and saltbush. They stayed in their respective positions until David and Shadow came to visit.

David & his Shadow

29 09 2012

They came to visit the baby, but the visit didn’t last long! Or maybe it was just a case of “oops, is this meadow already taken?”

Baby Seneca had just awakened from her nap and was nursing. Daddy Ty and uncle Copper were still napping … and then there was a bit of a commotion – and up popped a familiar blaze face! Followed by his little black Shadow.

Ty stayed with Chipeta and Seneca, and David took his Shadow away from Copper. Shiny, healthy ponies!

Not long, but their visit was fairly calm.

Mama, daddy, baby girl

29 09 2012

Cutest family portrait lately. 🙂

Some friends dropped by to greet the baby, and all of Ty’s protective instincts surged to the fore. What friends? I’ve seen them but haven’t posted any pix in quite a while. Will soon!


28 09 2012

Look who we found!

Friends Barbara and John visited the basin and proved to be good luck charms when it came to finding horses. This was the first time I’d seen Poco since the end of June.

He’s always had the swollen knee, but his injured leg is his left hind. It is much improved, but it’s still more swollen than the other.

He still has a bit of a hitch in his giddy-up, but all things considered, he’s not doing too bad. He’s a little leaner than I’d like to see, but that’s not too bad, either. We also saw Bounce, and he looks really good and also is moving well.

Handsome bay boy. So glad and relieved to see him!

The whir of raven wings

27 09 2012

Attracted Maiku’s notice:

The ravens were very active on Seneca’s birthday. Raucous, too. How cool would it be to have a raven’s-eye view of the basin? Or a pony’s-eye view of ravens?

Little girl love

26 09 2012

That mama does love her little girl.

Raven & Skywalker

24 09 2012

Like mama, like son.

I could post photos of this handsome pair every day! Look how shiny and beautiful Raven is. And that Skywalker is a big boy! His size reminds me of Apollo, but he doesn’t look much like his big brother.

Do you see the far hill in the background? That’s aspen gold. How can it possibly be fall already?! But the season is turning … my favorite!

OK, one more. That Skywalker! Love his expressions!

How about one with stepdaddy Sundance for good measure? And this angle shows mama’s and son’s spots. Can you see better from this side how Skywalker is greying around his spot?

The background from this angle shows where McKenna Peak Wilderness Study Area overlaps Spring Creek Basin Herd Management Area – and we’re standing in part of the herd management area that also is part of the WSA. The big hill is the lower flanks of Brumley Point. Our boundary fence basically comes down that far right side. The WSA continues on eastish and northish (and southish from this vantage). Round Top and north are leftish.

That’s a lot of -ish.

No -ish, ands or buts about it, this boy is straight up CUTE!

Kootenai & Mysterium

24 09 2012

Another mama and daughter:

Mysterium has been playing in the mud, most likely the pond behind Round Top. She’s a big, healthy girl!


23 09 2012

Chipeta has a baby girl. 🙂

She is NOT spotted.

Unless you count the tiny dots upon her tiny face. See them?

Mama nuzzles her baby constantly.

They had split again; Chipeta, baby, Puzzle, Maiku and Ty … and Copper followed Corazon, Reya and S’aka.

Baby girl is nursing super well and is strong and healthy as a baby mustang can be! I left shortly after she laid down.

Thanks to Lynn and Kathy for the suggestion of Seneca for her name. I’ve had it in mind for months now for Chipeta’s baby.

I’ve found a couple of different meanings, including “keepers of the western wall” and “place of stones.” Either works here, on a stony, canyon-y chunk of western Colorado. 🙂

And this was on a photo of a soldier and a dog in an email I got recently:

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.” It’s attributed to Seneca … probably the ancient Roman, not the Indian tribe. I think you could substitute the word “animal” for “human being,” and this statement still would be true.

Welcome to your rocky, beautiful, Western world, little Seneca. May your life be blessed.