There be magic

29 09 2014

Rainbow over Spring Creek Basin.

We know that, of course. The mustangs are the gold at the end of that rainbow. 🙂

This photo was taken from the Disappointment Road looking eastish toward Spring Creek Basin. The rimrocks in the foreground form the basin’s western boundary. Also visible are two of our main landmarks: McKenna Peak and the unnamed promontory.

Rain today. The entire Western Slope was a giant blob of green on the radar (and the higher ridges and peaks got snow!). Rain be magic, too.

Eyes of the mustangs

27 09 2014

Duke and Kreacher

Haaaaaaand-some! Duke and Kreacher are great pals. I sometimes wonder how Duke can see through that marvelous forelock of his.

Aspen dancing

26 09 2014


Aspen trees also are called quakies because of the shimmer the leaves make as they tremble and flutter in the wind. In honor of the aspen turning golden this autumn, here’s Spring Creek Basin’s Aspen, doing his own dance. He was – of course – trying to impress a lady. She was so impressed she showed him her butt, then her heels. He was undeterred, but he did leave her alone (that may also have had something to do with her stallion).


24 09 2014

S'aka, Seven, Skywalker, Killian and Apollo on Lizard Mesa.

The misters handsome were fully cooperative the other evening. Look at that near-perfect line of cute ears!

Little S’aka, Seven, Skywalker, Killian and Apollo.


23 09 2014

Kestrel through the branches of a juniper.

Wily, wary Kestrel watches through a loop of juniper branches. When the coast was clear – as determined by Kestrel – she led her band onto the hill to graze.

McKenna Peak with scenery

22 09 2014

Young bachelors with Seven; McKenna Peak in the background.

Another Spring Creek Basin landmark – other than the gorgeous mustangs 🙂 – is McKenna Peak, namesake of McKenna Peak Wilderness Study Area. Our landmarks look ever so much better with mustangs in the foreground, don’t you think?

Below the top

21 09 2014

Comanche's band; unnamed promontory in the background.

Comanche’s band walks past the unnamed promontory, one of Spring Creek Basin’s premier, most recognizable landmarks.

Just some good ol’ boys

20 09 2014

Kreacher and Duke

Pals Kreacher and Duke are such handsome boys, and oh, so photogenic. Now and then they make the social rounds, but mostly they’re together, by themselves.

Boy band

19 09 2014

Skywalker, S'aka and Apollo

Skywalker, Apollo and S’aka are three of the four mustang-ateers. Killian is the fourth boy in the band, but you know boys – so hard to corral. 🙂


18 09 2014

Winona against Spring Creek canyon.

Beautiful Winona. This was taken the same evening as the photo published a couple of posts ago. The rimrocks of Spring Creek canyon, lit up by the setting sun, provided a spectacular backdrop for this gorgeous girl. The touch of purple in the foreground: some kind of aster? They’re everywhere right now.

The chances of rain in the forecast for the end of this week dried up and became zero percent chance. The radar showed big green blobs south of the basin, but that rain didn’t quite hit the target (the “target” placed on the “map” by yours truly, of course). Odile dumped lots of rain and caused flooding damage from Mexico to Arizona. Can we get just a little bit of that moisture? We’re not greedy!