
5 08 2013

Thank you all for your support of our Spring Creek Basin mustangs!

I am in need of a bit of a break from blogging. Not long, I hope.

Boy talk

3 08 2013

Hollywood and Bounce

Hollywood and Bounce have a friendly chat near sunset.

Mona, que Mona

2 08 2013

Mona got her name courtesy of one of our NMA/CO board members, artist Karen Keene Day. When the mares first came from Sand Wash Basin, Karen recalled how I kept talking about “how cute” the red dun mare was.

How cute = que Mona. I liked to call her “MonaKMona.”


This was taken about a month ago.

Mona and Comanche

This was taken just last week.

Mona watching Kestrel's band.

Be at peace, que Mona, not just cute – beautiful.


Thank you, all, for your words and kindness. No matter how intellectually you tell yourself it’s nature, and it happens, still it hurts our hearts when we know and love them as much as we do.

RIP Mona and foal

1 08 2013

Sunset the night Mona died.

With a heavy heart, I let ya’ll know that Mona died after complications from foaling. Her foal is presumed dead.

God certainly welcomed them to heaven in spectacular fashion.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to Logan Briscoe, BLM law-enforcement officer, and Mike Jensen, former herd manager, for coming first, and continued thanks and whole-hearted appreciation to Logan and to Connie Clementson, Tres Rios Field Office manager, for coming back. Connie responded ASAP when called first thing in the morning to provide relief to an injured mustang so that she wouldn’t suffer needlessly.