Walking ahead

30 01 2013

Piedra and daughter Temple.

Temple will be a year old in April. In this image, she followed mama Piedra, grazed with her and then walked ahead. Forging her own way in the world. Figuratively, still, at this point. Our babies are growing up!

Looking out for baby

29 01 2013

Ty and his baby girl, Seneca.

Daddy Ty, like most stallion daddies, is a very good daddy! Seneca likes to hang out with him. I love his stance of casual protection while baby girl grazes right beside him. Mama Chipeta grazes contentedly in the background.

Kisses in snow

28 01 2013

Chipeta gets some love from daughter Seneca.

Baby Seneca is about 4 months old now. Still giving mama kisses. 🙂

Note the lack of snow on the hill in the background. This weekend, we got rain – RAIN! In January! But we do not complain about moisture in any form, even though it has left the area a soggy, sodden, saturated, simply wonderfully wet mess! Hopefully the  great amount of moisture will seep into the thirsty earth before the cold returns and turns mudville into ice-central!


26 01 2013

Kestrel and daughters Juniper and Madison.

Kestrel and two of her three girls. Both Juniper (middle) and Madison (left) were sired by Comanche.

Into the morning light

25 01 2013

Bounce against the north ridges.

Bounce, sire of Aurora in the previous post. They’re both black with a nearly identical right hind fetlock – you can only barely see the upper part of Bounce’s because of the snow. Additionally, Aurora sports the tiniest, barest crescent of an almost-there “star” on her forehead.

He has been following Hollywood’s and Comanche’s bands for a little while now. This particular morning wasn’t the first I’ve seen him and Aurora fairly close together.

Herdin’ girls

23 01 2013

Mona and Aurora were hanging out with Bounce. Bounce is following Hollywood’s and Comanche’s bands. Bounce is Aurora’s daddy, but she’s in Hollywood’s band now. Mona is definitely Hollywood’s mare. They wandered as they grazed, and pretty soon, Mona and Aurora and Bounce were on one side of a shallow arroyo, and everybody else was on the other side. Hollywood looked and grazed, then looked and made a decision, and he trotted down the hill and across the arroyo, bluffed Bounce away and brought his girls back to the fold.


Even in his snaking attitude, he’s so cute. Look at his nostril all puckered up. I wish I hadn’t chopped Aurora’s ears off, but I was focused on Holls when she trotted up the hill between us.

And that Aurora looks just like daddy … and mama Alegre. She’s really a beautiful blending of both.

22 01 2013

Grey, Mariah and Houdini

Grey/Traveler did his best to bring the girls to me, but wise Houdini wasn’t having any of it. Can you see Mariah’s face greying?

Corazon’s heart

21 01 2013

Would you believe this is one of only a few shots (all in the same sequence) I got of Corazon that day that show his left side?

Corazon, S'aka and Reya

With baby S’aka and mama Reya. They also have Reya’s little brother Maiku in their band.

I *heart* mustangs

20 01 2013


Following the “snowy muzzle” theme, this is Corazon, so named for the heart on his left side. He’s one of two black-and-white pintos in the basin. Raven, originally from Sand Wash Basin, is the other.

Love the snow bokeh in the background – snowy spots through the pinon-juniper on the far ridge, outside Spring Creek Basin.

Until recently, part of the white part of Corazon’s mane was threaded through his forelock. He must have flipped it back into place!

And seriously, if you don’t love that cooler-than-cool fringe of white that looks *just* like frost along the white-black transition on the side you can see …! Frosty handsome snow boy!

Camo pinto

19 01 2013


On super snowy days, S’aka very nearly blends in! Love his snowy muzzle, too! Just like uncle Maiku.