We. Have. PONDS!

31 08 2020

Storm helps illustrate the fact that at least three ponds in Spring Creek Basin now have water for the first time in months (and months and months). A very small portion of the pond behind him is reflecting the fiery sky, but the pond is much larger than that little reflection point.

Saturday’s drenching didn’t cover all of Spring Creek Basin, but it hit a good portion of the eastern region, from the east pocket in the north to the southern tip.

At least four bands are taking advantage of two of the ponds, and I’m pretty sure a fourth pond also has water. … I ran out of time to hike back to check it because I was having too much fun hanging out with ponies – and that was before the giant, heart-leaping thrill when I saw the first of the three ponds with water. (I might have yelled and screamed and hollered really, really loudly.)

Thanks to all for your hopes, prayers, wishes and dances! 🙂

Rain, actually

30 08 2020

By the time I took this pic of lovely Chipeta, in the southern part of Spring Creek Basin, we were stomping through soupy mud (!). Another wave had briefly washed over us … and yet another little wave was on its way. Even the littlest arroyos were running – RUNNING – with actual, honest-to-goodness (and very muddy) WATER.

When I got back to lower Disappointment Valley on the road, the road and ground along it was dry. When I drove around and into the western part of the basin, my Jeep was leaving yet another trail of dreaded dust.

I’m not even kidding.

But at least part of the basin got rain, which seems to have been a bit of a toad gagger. 🙂

Comin’ c’mon!

29 08 2020

The rain was coming.

C’mon, rain!

Just beyond

28 08 2020

It actually sprinkled a little while after I took this shot of Shane, looking at something that had been capturing her attention for quite a while (though I never did figure out what it was), a few evenings ago. She is in Spring Creek Basin Herd Management Area, of course, but the background (you can just barely see Disappointment Road at about her chest level) is beyond the herd management area.

Disappointment Creek flows through that canyon (well, it does when it flows; it’s not flowing now and hasn’t for a couple of months), beyond the horses’ reach.

It’s a very enticing view, though, and rarely are the horses within range of it to show it in their background. So to whatever was repeatedly catching Shane’s attention, thanks! (There’s a hill to my right that I couldn’t see much past that she’s below with a better view. I kept asking her if she’d alert me if the attention-getter was an ambling bear. She was pretty mum. (Whatever it was, apparently it was much more interesting than me.))

This, too

27 08 2020

The smoke is clearing a bit (quite a bit). Rain is starting to crop up – on the radar if not directly overhead.

We’re waiting it out. We’re sending prayers. We’re staying strong.


26 08 2020

Lest you need proof of our blessings, see above.

Higher up

25 08 2020

The breeze was lovely, the temp was pleasant, the smoke wasn’t awful, the elevation was high, the views were lovely (and smokier farther *out there* than fairly close, as shown in this background). The horses weren’t digging the flies, but otherwise it was a beautiful spot and visit with one of my very most favorite bands.

The green that cures

24 08 2020

It’s not even lying (much!)! We’ll take any little dribble.

Shades of smoke

24 08 2020

Prayers, still, for those in the path of wildfires and for those fighting to bring them under control and save homes and lives.


23 08 2020

Sundance might speak for all of us: We’re tired of the heatdrydustsmoke.