
29 08 2014

Chrome at sunset.

Really, can you ever have too much Chrome?

The answer: No, no you cannot.

Taken in the absolute last seconds of sunlight on the far western edge of Spring Creek Basin above the rimrocks. Love. 🙂

Airs above ground

26 08 2014

Bounce levitates during a chase by Comanche.

Comanche chased Bounce away from his band. Bounce kicked at Comanche on the run.

This frame caught him as he seemed to defy gravity. It was enough to throw Comanche off the pursuit, and Bounce escaped hale and whole.

Let me give you a hug

25 08 2014

Pals Killian and S'aka

Pals Killian and S'aka

Pals Killian and S'aka

Little S’aka is just the right height for the big boys, including Killian, to give him hugs.


24 08 2014


Never did see what Tenaz took an interest in beyond our little opening in the trees.

Don’t you love his eyes?

Tip to getting ‘ears up’

22 08 2014


Bring a badger to the party. 🙂

Cool, the critters

21 08 2014

Badger in Spring Creek Basin

So I was just hanging with my pal Ty when a branch snapped nearby. He struck a pretty pose, and I focused on him while he focused on the snapper of the branch.

When he lost interest, I looked over my shoulder and saw this fellow/gal sauntering up the hillside across the narrow arroyo. It didn’t give me the same backward glance, so all I caught was its south end.

Badgers are some of the crazy-cool critters sharing space in the wild yonder of Spring Creek Basin.

Wind in her mane

20 08 2014


Pretty girl Reya on a sunny-cloudy-sunny day before the rain in Spring Creek Basin.

*Note: Her mud is courtesy of the (full) pond. 🙂

Disappearing act

19 08 2014


Houdini thought she could evade the laser-like focus of the camera by walking through trees.

Silly Houdini.

There’s no evading the laser-like focus of the camera! Beautiful mustangs will always be caught on camera!


18 08 2014

Chrome against a sunset-lit cloud.

One thousand words … one thousand more.

There is no fantasy more beautiful than their reality.

Life, sustained

17 08 2014

We interrupt your regular mustang programming for a peek at other wildlife in Spring Creek Basin:

Tadpoles in the east-pocket pond!

Tadpoles in the east-pocket pond!

Tadpoles in the east-pocket pond!

Tadpoles in the east-pocket pond!

Whaaaat?! 🙂 Pretty crazy cool, huh? The east-pocket pond is the only pond that hasn’t been dug out in the last few years. It’s fairly small and fairly shallow, but it does hold water – and tadpoles!

After the recent rain, the two ponds that were dug out in June now also have water! In fact, all but one pond in the basin now are offering water to thirsty critters. 🙂