Curve of the day

27 06 2010

Some more pix from the first day of our visit last week.

Hayden and Jif. They were relaxed but shy and grazing.

Grey/Traveler’s band. Gemma is going grey first right over her butt and from a distance looks a little like an Appaloosa with a blanket pattern.

We saw a collared lizard on our walk back to Wildcat Spring, but it wasn’t interested in visiting with us. This guy, however, defended his rock – right in the middle of the road – while I drove right by him! He looks fierce, eh? But I think this was his way of venting some heat – although getting off that cooker of a rock may have helped, too! We had a nice breeze (not enough to rid us of the gnats), but it was warm – up to 92 by the Jeep’s gauge. I love these lizards’ bright colors and muscley little legs!

Hook’s band was only mildly interested in us. Right to left: Hannah, Sable, Hook, Ember and Pinon.

Toward the end of the day, we decided to take one more pass past Wildcat and had a nice surprise: Bounce’s and Kreacher’s bands, right off the road.

From left: Raven, Corona, Kootenai, Kreacher and Mona

Whisper and Liberty. They’re not as close as they appear, and Liberty is standing a bit farther up the hill. They look pretty similar in size here because of lens compression of the scene, but Liberty is still noticeably smaller than Whisper.

Whisper in the foreground and Alegre at right.

T spotted the almost-full moon coming up over the eastern ridges. This is looking out toward the east pocket. A little farther to the right would be McKenna Peak and the unnamed promontory.

Mona and Kootenai caught in a rare moment of affection. Usually Kootenai bugs Mona, who is very laidback, and Raven usually comes to her rescue by pinning her ears at Koot.

Kreacher, Raven and Kootenai walking toward us.

Kreacher, Raven and Corona. You can really see Corona’s wide blaze here in her mother’s shadow. She’s also still nursing.

We were able to sit with them for a bit in the evening light – wonderful! There’s Bounce in the background … and they’re watching some newcomers.

Seven and his band – Roja, Ze and Spring – were coming up toward Wildcat for an evening drink. They hadn’t been visible when we parked and walked out to sit just off the road with Bounce’s and Kreacher’s bands, but as it turned out, I had parked a bit “ahead” of where the trail comes out, and Seven was not pleased. (As a side note, can you see the extreme resemblance to Grey/Traveler??)

He trotted back and forth, looking hard and blowing at the Jeep while Roja stayed some distance back with Ze and Spring. I keep coming back to this, but they haven’t forgotten and so neither have I. It was almost two years ago that they were chased by a man in a truck. They remain extremely wary of not only people but also vehicles. It’s important to know here that although I was parked in their line of sight, the Jeep was not blocking their wayS to water. But because of their extreme sensitivity, it might as well have been. Most of the other bands respond very well to quiet, careful viewing, but Seven’s have never gotten over that incident – maybe others? This is their home, so we quietly walked back to the Jeep and drove away, taking the “danger” with us.

Roja and Spring – pic taken from the Jeep. Look how big Spring is! (I haven’t taken many pictures of her *because* of their wariness.) She looks so much like Molly. She has little black spots on her knees, and I’m sure her legs will darken. Check out Roja’s loooooong dredlock!

And Seven and Ze … now much calmer and at ease. A great sight to leave with.

For friends

26 06 2010

The following pix are specifically for my Girls Horse Club friends Rochlia, Victory Cowgirl and Toppyrocks. 🙂 I was thinking about ya’ll when I took pix of your favorites!

Chrome, looking very handsome. From the same visit as the pix of Rio in the post below.

Here’s Cuatro very submissively greeting him; Two Boots and Rio behind them.

Our jet black girl Shadow and her baby, Wind. His dark coat is starting to shine through his baby coat.

Ty was right with them, but the pintos were nowhere in sight. I’m sorry I didn’t get a better “stallion” picture of the boy – he was so relaxed, he barely looked up from his grazing, and never long enough for me to catch him at it! 😉

Just for reference, here’s Shadow’s stallion, David, calmly browsing on greasewood – but definitely between Shadow and Wind and Ty. We were very excited to see these horses right off the road each time we drove by. But we never saw the pinto band (which are not all pintos).

A Rio story

25 06 2010

The horses and I have fabulous new friends from Florida! Muchas gracias to T and L for making the loooong trek (and I’m just talking about within the state of Colorado!) out to see our amazing Spring Creek Basin mustangs. I hope you had as much fun meeting them as I had introducing them to you!

Chrome’s family was the first to greet us when we arrived nearly mid-afternoon. The sun was harsh, the ponies were lovely, and Rio gave us a little glimpse of the handsome mustang he’s becoming!

Baby boy was napping in the sunshine as we watched from just off the road.

Mama Two Boots and big brother Cuatro were grazing nearby – but not *right* nearby – unconcerned about us.

But when Rio woke up, mama was not close enough for HIS comfort.

Look at that big trot!

Isn’t he just astounding?!

He has tell-tale rings around his eyes (going to be grey) like Gemma … sister Gemma?? Is Grey/Traveler this boy’s sire??

I’m back, Mama – didja miss me? Notice Two Boots looking at us even while she continues to graze.

Mama, those weird creatures are all looking at me (oohing and ahhing!)!

The end. 🙂 But of course, it’s not really the end, just a little tiny chapter in a day in the life. (More, of course, to come!)

Black and not

23 06 2010

Sable and Hook. They had come down the hill and across the road to the vicinity of Grey/Traveler’s, where I was just walking away after sitting with them. He got all puffed up when he saw them; mama Houdini wisely started leading Terra and Gemma away; Hook wasn’t quite sure what to do about me; Grey wasn’t either, I guess, and finally turned and sauntered after his girls. Though it doesn’t matter in the slightest, I was relieved. Hannah was right behind Sable, grazing with Pinon and Ember, unconcerned.

Tres amiga/os

22 06 2010

Yearling Liberty, 2-year-old Gaia and yearling Whisper.

Mama Alegre was barely showing the last time I saw her … I expect her to have – at least! – quite a belly by now.

I can hardly wait another second to see them again!

Happy (belated) Father’s Day!

21 06 2010

While I was on vacation, I gave my dad a card and gift for Father’s Day – on Sunday, June 13. The funnies page in their hometown newspaper alerted me to the fact that it was NOT, in fact, Father’s Day yet. So while I’m late with this post – by a day – I was actually a week early!

Butch and Gideon

As humans remind us, daddies are special in their children’s lives, whether they’re joined by biology or by fate. I hope to have a funny little series of just what young man Gideon is learning from stepdaddy Butch soon. He clearly adores the big guy and seems to hang out with him as much as possible. I’m pretty sure Butch is pretty fond of his little shadow, too.

Dads, thank you for all you do for your children – for all children – with your gifts of time and attention and love. It shapes us as surely as anything in our lives. We are grateful.

Wild Horse Fever

19 06 2010

Time to update links, everyone, and you’ll definitely want to. Tales of the Little Book Cliffs wild horses has moved to this address:

Billie’s former blog is still live, so you’ll be able to access all her great photos and write-ups about visits to the range and the goings-on of the horses. She’s one of my original inspirations, both in keeping an Internet record of the horses and sharing them with virtual visitors and in the work done by her and others who are members of the local advocacy group, Friends of the Mustangs, in documenting the horses and working  to ensure their health and well-being.

So here’s just a nudge in that direction to get readers started on the right hoof this morning! Welcome to WordPress, Billie! I look forward to reading your stories and seeing your photos in a whole new format!

Young and younger

18 06 2010

There’s something about the bond of, especially, young mothers with their babies. You can see in their interactions with their youngsters the hint of their interactions with their own mothers … passed down from generation. I’m starting to see, I tell myself, patterns of behavior in certain mares. Two Boots and Kestrel and Shadow are the first babies I documented. Now they’re having babies. They learn fast, and, in particular, they’re so wonderful to watch.

Comanche grazing while Winona naps … Spring Creek Basin spread out to the horizon.

Mama’s presence means everything.

Protection of baby is everything.

The Duke

17 06 2010

Doesn’t he look great? He favors his injured leg a bit, but I was ecstatic to see him seeking company with (the band formerly known as) Steeldust’s band. Very much on the outskirts, very non-threatening to the boys after girls, very handsome and looking very fit!

Some boys

15 06 2010

Baby Gideon uses stepdaddy Butch as a rubbing post … Duke in the background!