Nothin’ but blue

22 04 2024

By the time I realized the nearly-full moon was rising, it was well up.

Still gorgeous!

(Not bad for cell-phone pix, eh?)

‘Pink moon’ rising golden

8 04 2023

April’s full moon is known as the “pink moon” for pink flowers in the phlox variety that bloom in April. It’s also the first full moon after the start of spring, which was March 20, which makes it the paschal full moon, which is the full moon before Easter Sunday.

Phlox (I don’t know the exact kind) is usually the first tiny wildflower that blooms in Spring Creek Basin. I haven’t seen any yet, but with the warm temps and the winter moisture, it can’t be long. Phlox here is usually white, but it also sometimes takes on a pale pink blush. … Pink moon, indeed. 🙂